Three dimensional light sculpture + rave party mood and light design event ] Derivate #05 [location ] Nemecký veslársky klub [date ] 02/09/2022 [client ] Asfalt Sound System [
OOOOO ][ Kolabo 2021
a spatially mapped site-specific reactive light installation composed of five Os -wired and wireless addressable LED circles (formerly OOOOOOOOOO), Kolabo tyčky as event ] Kolabo 2021 [ client ] čerstvé ovocie [location ] CO shelter MDPOH [date ] 02/12/2021 [
custom light fixtures ][ event mood design ][ light design techno party seriesclient ] Hochspannung! [location ] fuga [since 2018
custom light fixtures ][ event mood design ][ light design techno party seriesclient ] Hochspannung! [location ] fuga [date ] 14/12/2018 [photos ] Floe Fotography [ ] HxBT [ ] CTRL_space [