Breathe & Frens 23-04
red color themed wirelessly controlled LED installation and venue mood lighting at BREATHE & FRENS secret house/techno rave at Prešov during 2023 Easter holidays. line-up ] wuss.wav [ ] FAQ [ ] uber_acid [ ] miklei [ ] uma durman [ ] marek.pr [ ] Paradiso Rhythm [
Derivate #04
Three dimensional light sculpture and rave party mood and light design. Our first true all-night rave brought to life by people who love true underground techno. Place where you can be alone and with people at the center of the crowd at the same time. Derivate #4 was our first event at ] Nemecký veslársky…
Three dimensional light sculpture + rave party mood and light design event ] Derivate #05 [location ] Nemecký veslársky klub [date ] 02/09/2022 [client ] Asfalt Sound System [
Three dimensional light sculpture and rave party mood and light design event ] SPEKTRUM w/ Takaaki Itoh, fleika, madeleine, filko [location ] WAX [date ] 20/05/2022 [client ] Spektrum Kolektiv [ Spektrum kolektiv · madeleine b2b filko – Spektrum 21.5.2022
Event on Facebook ???? consigns the meaning of collaboration and acceptance between contemporary artists, by the means of various audio-visual, even performative planes that are based on decadence, the power of music, darkness and concrete. The collective is opening a circle to our very own, self-accepted world that, thanks to diverse international influence, is transmitting…
Breathe & Frens 22-04
red color themed wirelessly controlled LED installation and venue mood lighting at BREATHE & FRENS secret house/rave/techno party at Prešov during Easter holidays. event ] BREATHE & FRENS [ client ] Breathe Festival [location ] Prešov [date ] 16/04/2022 [
old industrial lights converted to wireless light fixture with tungsten lightbulb dimming client ] Hochspannung! [date ] 2020+ [location ] fuga [
a tetrahedron wirelessly controlled light object